You designed a logo for the first time when you started your business. Everyone did, some did it in Canva, some did it Microsoft Word, some even did it in Paint, YIKES. But now that you’re a few years into using your logo, you’re realizing that it’s not quite as fresh and usable as you originally might have thought. You might be trying to hunt down the original files so you can print up some new business cards, or some epic hats. Well, that logo won’t serve you forever. That existing logo likely won’t build your brand into a 10x return over 5 years, that’s why you need to update your logo and revisit your current brand design. 

A logo redesign does a few things for your brand.

  1. It gives you a chance to adapt to your business a few years in. When you first start your business you’re often all things to all people. And when you first start, you’re likely to have made your logo broad, complicated, and homemade. None of those are bad things, but when you get to year 2 or 3, you may want to make your logo more refined, crisp, and professional. Even something simple like taking the gradients out of your original logo will make it stand out, be easier to print and maybe bring in a new customer.
  2. If you do it with MooCow it gives you everything you need to succeed. Just like I’ve been writing above, when you first made your logo you probably made it yourself or paid a low-cost friend to do it for you. They might have made it perfectly and given you everything you need, but they also might have just handed you a low res jpeg and you’ve made it work over the years. When you brand with MooCow our very lowest package comes with the logo in all formats, your fonts, your colors. Everything you need to pump life into your brand. We don’t believe in shorting people, and we certainly believe that branding only starts with the logo. A logo flourishes in the way that it is applied to the company and how it’s used throughout the life of the brand.
  3. It gives you a newsworthy opportunity to pump life into your brand and encourage your consumers to keep coming back because you care. Once you’re finished with your new brand update, you can set up a local event, share with all your friends, sell new merch and overall infuse an epic jolt of energy into your brand. People will love being included in the changes and will feel ownership of the newly minted logo.

Modern design is and will always be a fantastic idea for a garage created business. Even if you love your logo and want to keep most of it, and replace other parts, you’re still a candidate for a logo refresh. If you’re interested in a casual evaluation of your current brand, we’d be happy to connect with you and chat further. Click this epic hyperlink to contact us. If you’re a Cincinnati brand we’d be glad to grab coffee or lunch (Carabello is our favorite).